! ! error message definitions ! ETHROUGH: ETABFUL: table full EALLOC: memory allocation failure EDEALLOC: memory deallocation failure EBLANKNAME: blank name not allowed EDUPNAME: duplicated name not allowed EBADCLASS: class mismatch EBADID: bad object id ENOTINIT: class not initialized ENOTFOUND: not found EINVAL: invalid argument EEXPERIMENTAL: experimental EWRITE: write statemnet fails EREAD: READ statement fails EOPEN: OPEN statement fails ECLOSE: CLOSE statement fails EBACKSPACE: BACKSPACE statement fails EREWIND: REWIND statement fails ECLOSED: closed file handle ENOCLOSEDUNIT: closed unit not found, too many files open ELONGNAME: name too long EIOLEN: units of RECL not supported EINQNAME: INQUIRE of NAME failed ERDONLY: write to read only file EWRONLY: read to write only file EBLKNO: block number must be positive